Do you feel like your health has deteriorated, lately? Do you think you are stressed out and the side-effects of stress are making you feel sick? If yes, then you may be right, because stress not only affects your mental health, but also your physical health, causing various undesirable psychosomatic symptoms.

Stress is a condition in which a person's mental peace is disturbed in reaction to certain feeling or events. Stress is one of the most common ailments that people suffer from, especially in today's fast paced world. There are various side-effects associated with stress that many of us may already be aware of, such as, headache, fatigue, depression, etc. however, there are a few other silent signs of stress that we could be affected with, without our knowledge.
There can be various causes for stress, such as work pressure, low self-esteem, break-ups, financial trouble, sickness - you name it! The side-effects of stress can sometimes be so pronounced that they can take over the affected person's life and hamper his/her daily activities. So, here are a few surprising side-effects or signs of stress that one should never ignore, have a look.